33 research outputs found

    Anthropomorphic Coding of Speech and Audio: A Model Inversion Approach

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    Auditory modeling is a well-established methodology that provides insight into human perception and that facilitates the extraction of signal features that are most relevant to the listener. The aim of this paper is to provide a tutorial on perceptual speech and audio coding using an invertible auditory model. In this approach, the audio signal is converted into an auditory representation using an invertible auditory model. The auditory representation is quantized and coded. Upon decoding, it is then transformed back into the acoustic domain. This transformation converts a complex distortion criterion into a simple one, thus facilitating quantization with low complexity. We briefly review past work on auditory models and describe in more detail the components of our invertible model and its inversion procedure, that is, the method to reconstruct the signal from the output of the auditory model. We summarize attempts to use the auditory representation for low-bit-rate coding. Our approach also allows the exploitation of the inherent redundancy of the human auditory system for the purpose of multiple description (joint source-channel) coding

    Reconstructing the infrared spectrum of a peptide from representative conformers of the full canonical ensemble

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    Leucine enkephalin (LeuEnk), a biologically active endogenous opioid pentapeptide, has been under intense investigation because it is small enough to allow efficient use of sophisticated computational methods and large enough to provide insights into low-lying minima of its conformational space. Here, we reproduce and interpret experimental infrared (IR) spectra of this model peptide in gas phase using a combination of replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning, and ab initio calculations. In particular, we evaluate the possibility of averaging representative structural contributions to obtain an accurate computed spectrum that accounts for the corresponding canonical ensemble of the real experimental situation. Representative conformers are identified by partitioning the conformational phase space into subensembles of similar conformers. The IR contribution of each representative conformer is calculated from ab initio and weighted according to the population of each cluster. Convergence of the averaged IR signal is rationalized by merging contributions in a hierarchical clustering and the comparison to IR multiple photon dissociation experiments. The improvements achieved by decomposing clusters containing similar conformations into even smaller subensembles is strong evidence that a thorough assessment of the conformational landscape and the associated hydrogen bonding is a prerequisite for deciphering important fingerprints in experimental spectroscopic data.</p

    Scalable coding with side information for packet loss recovery

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